CD  Sonatas for Solo Violin


BARTOK Sonata for Solo Violin, Sz. 117

BACH Sonata No. 1 for Solo Violin in G Minor

YSAYE Sonata No. 2 for Solo Violin in A Minor

violin made by David Segal in 1982

Une très belle version de la Sonate de Bartok.  Très à l’aise dans les périleuses difficultés de l’œuvre, dont elle gomme peut-être le caractére parfois abrupt et rocailleux; elle en donne une interpretation trés rafinée, et introvertie
— "Le Soir," Brussels
[Bartok] produced a knotty Sonata for Solo Violin that has always posed problems for performers and listeners alike. Hanna Lachert, a violinist with the New York Philharmonic, conquers them all with ease. Without ever sacrificing a focused tone of singular beauty and depth, she sustains the high-tension linearity of all four movements articulates the notes with biting precision and still manages to project the essential lyricism of the music.
— The New York Times

Wieniawski Competition


Lachert Trios